Blacket Books
Contact Us
Postal Address:

Blacket Books
1 Leadervale Terrace
EH16 6NX


Within UK :
0131 666 1542
Outwith UK :
44 131 666 1542


Blacket Books is the business name of Ian Laing, who has been selling second-hand and antiquarian books since 1985.

We are general booksellers but with some emphasis on Scottish and military books.

We were members of the Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association (PBFA) and for many years sold at book fairs throughout Scotland and the north of England.

Our aim is to offer for sale worthwhile, collectable books at reasonable prices.

You can view our books (in subject catalogues if you wish) at:   Abe Books   and   Biblio.

Do you have books to sell ?

We are always looking to buy good books, either individual volumes or whole collections.
If you have anything you wish to sell, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.